


The planning consultant is the party appointed by the assignor to carry out the planning work, the planner can be an individual or business entity both private and government. The task of the consultant planner in implementing construction projects is:

  • Making adjustments to the field conditions with the wishes of the building owner.
  • Make working drawings.
  • Make work plans and building implementation requirements (RKS) as implementation guidelines.
  • Make a budget plan for building costs.
  • Projecting owner's desires or ideas into building design.
  • Make design changes if there is a deviation in the implementation of work in the field that does not allow the design to materialize.
  • Account for design and structural calculations in the event of construction failure.
  •  the authority of the consultant planner is:
  • Maintain the design in the event that there are parties - the building executor who performs the work not according to the plan.
  • Determine the color and type of material to be used in the implementation of development.

In order for the implementation of the development project to run properly, a good planning consultant is needed to produce every detail of building planning, for example a clear contract image without any conflicting differences between images and differences in the plan drawings with conditions in the field. in addition, in terms of building specifications, it is also explained in detail so that there are no obstacles in material selection when the construction work takes place.
 When the construction takes place the consultant planner can schedule regular meetings with the contractor to discuss matters that might need to get a solution from the planner such as during the material aproval or making shop drawing drawings as guidelines for project implementation. matters that are often a problem of planner products such as material that has been determined on RKS are difficult to find at the time of construction or the price is too expensive beyond the RAB so the contractor proposes material change approval to be used as a substitute. other problems such as differences in plan drawings with field exsiting conditions so that the contractor makes a picture of the changes that require the planning consultant's approval in project implementation so that good cooperation and relationships are needed between the contractor and the planning consultant.
The Rights and Obligations of the Planning Consultant are:

  • Make a complete plan consisting of drawing plans, work plans and requirements, counting structures, budget plans.
  • Providing suggestions and considerations to service users and contractors regarding the implementation of work.
  • Provide answers and explanations to the contractor about things that are not clear in the drawing plan, work plan and terms of conditions.
  • Make a revised image if there is a change in planning.
  • Attend project management coordination meetings.

The Implementing Contractor is a legal entity or individual appointed to carry out project work in accordance with his expertise. Or in another definition states that the party whose offer has been received and has been given a letter of appointment and has signed a letter of agreement to work with the assignor in connection with the project work. In the Project "where the author works", the project owner (owner) gives direct trust to the implementing contractor to carry out construction work. Regulations and agreements regarding the rights and obligations of each party are regulated in contract documents.
The contractor is responsible directly to the project owner (owner) and in carrying out his work is supervised by a supervisory team of the owner and can consult directly with the supervisory team about the problems that occur in the implementation. Design changes must be consulted immediately before work is carried out.
Contractors as project implementers certainly have the duties and responsibilities in carrying out their functions, including the following.
1. Carry out construction work in accordance with the regulations and specifications that have been planned and stipulated in the contract agreement contract.
2. Providing progress reports that include daily, weekly and monthly reports to project owners which include:

  • Work implementation.
  • Work performance achieved.
  • The amount of labor used.
  • Amount of material entering.
  • Weather conditions and others.

3. Providing labor, materials, workplaces, equipment, and other supporting tools used to refer to the specifications and drawings that have been determined by upgrading


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